Are you ready to ...
easefully package, market and sell your soul’s work to clients who are ready to do the work, with total inner harmony around the money and sales?
If you are ready to release the “struggle mentality” of the healer or priestess archetype … and claim your sovereign right to prosperity through your gifts …
join me in DEVOTED.
Is this you?
- You identify as a priestess, coach, healer, teacher or mentor whose work is pioneering and 100% custom.
- You either do not have a business background (and feel intimidated by business) or have a prior business history filled with resentment and struggle.
- You already have offers (products & services) live in the world, or will create them within the next 12 months.
- Your existing offers don’t make enough money. Prospects have no money or an aversion to spending.
- You feel called to priestess leadership and public ritual or service, but don’t love social media or putting your face and voice out in the world.
- You either have found sales to be a struggle already, or anticipate that you will. (Your feeling is, “Can I just skip that part and serve people?”)
- You feel ready to face past wounds with money / business and know in your soul that mastering marketing and sales is a part of accepting your power.
If this is you ...
then I invite you to deepen your DEVOTION through a beautiful new relationship with the material realm, which desires to support your work.
The truth is . . .
Early priestesses were business practitioners, civic leaders, and stewards of wealth… AKA, master weavers of the spiritual and the material.
These women often had one foot in the temple world and the other in a secular industry. Some owned property or ran vast households with support staffs. Others retired with their own money. Some were unmarried and self-supporting; others had spouses but accrued their own wealth and assets like livestock.
In today’s parlance, our earliest priestess mothers were the PhDs, entrepreneurs, CEOs, inventors, mediators, influencers and thought leaders of their society. This is the legacy they left us, and it is the rightful lineage we come from.Yet how many of us see ourselves this same way?
How many of us are running from the systems, money, commerce and MATERIAL side of our spiritual work?
The problem is . . .
Modern culture sees the intertwining of spirituality and business as (at best) a vaguely gray area or (at worst) outright manipulation and stealing.
This distortion triggers the wounding most spiritual women already have around sales and money. “Spiritual” women are supposed to give things away and trust the Spirit world to provide for them, not bother about profit margins, and not have much of a business plan, either. (Or so society says.)
Unconsciously we end up playing into this distorted system. As a result, we end up with a fried nervous system, ineffective marketing, empty bank accounts, or at the very least . . . lingering guilt around any success we do have.
Until now, you might have been afraid that in embracing the real business side of your work, you will become a spiritual sell out.
But that’s about to change, when you flip the script and view selling out (your offers, not your soul!) as a natural sign you are fully inhabiting your purpose.
It's time ...
to move out of survival mode and are ready to embrace both the internal work required to call in resources… AND ALSO the external work of marketing and sale required to receive.
Now imagine yourself ...
- Waking up excited to share your next social media content with a clear call to action for your new offer, with a conviction that this action is actually part of your service to the world.
- Receiving clients easefully and consistently, as if achieving your sales goals were a normal part of life rather than a rare “holy grail” event.
- Shifting naturally between the channelings you receive from the Divine / ancestors /spirit guides, and the tangible offers / products / services that result from these messages.
- Finally operating within flexible launch schedules, strategic plans and business systems — and reaping the benefits of more time and money — without feeling your creativity has been strained, forced or put into a straightjacket.
- Actually knowing how much money you are making, and how much you want to make, and seeing that come in.
DEVOTED is for you ...
if you’re ready to feel good about the material aspects of your deeply spiritual work.
"Thank you, Lisa Moriah ... I simply have to tell you! My first [sales] call happened this AM. Not only did it land me my first client, but at a much higher price point than I originally thought was possible for me. She said to me, 'I'm in.' YAY!! It was even a fun time."
~ Robbie G., New Zealand
"My sister and I speak about you all the time … you helped us transition our business from in-person to online in the middle of a pandemic and we could not be more grateful. It’s amazing every time a new client signs up for our course!”
~ Valencia T., Virginia
Hello, I am Lisa Moriah.
This work is missional for me, because if ever there was a money-avoidant priestess, she was me. Though I started working before the legal age (don't tell!) and later held corporate roles (20+ years as a copywriter) … I never loved money, business or sales.
I mean, why couldn’t I just be in the spiritual realms all the time?
Fast forward to becoming a priestess which (for the first few years), exacerbated my tendency to hang out in the spiritual realms. This, along with a lot of shadow and inner work that consumed my life force energy, meant that I found myself without financial resources.
That’s when money reappeared as my most important spiritual teacher.
Over the past few years I have experimented literally with every kind of business system and strategy, and paid a ton of money to expensive spiritual business coaches who never could help me nail how to monetize my unique priestess message and work.
Finally, I decided to let go of all the teachings and just ask my soul how to weave the best of what I had learned about business and sales systems, with what my soul actually wanted to create.
Oddly enough, it started making cash. Consistently.
As I have grown my knowledge of priestess traditions, I have also come to understand that early priestesses held the paradox of the spiritual and material within their own bodies, alchemizing and embodying this amazing union in their everyday calling.
Now, I love sharing that with you.
Ready to feel ...
like there’s no more internal dissonance around money, and you’re supported by the material realm to do your radical most spiritual work?
I chose to call this experience "DEVOTED" ...
because temple marketing and sales require a lot of consistency and discipline, and I really really REALLY hate those two words. :) (Yep, in my world, spiritual women are allowed to say “I hate that” LOL ... if it's honest!)
Reframing consistency and discipline into ritual and devotion, helped me start showing up for the business side of my work as the very ESSENCE of what it means to be a devoted priestess.
It is not only proper and right that we make money as priestesses — but more than that, we are called to open up our whole being to receive even more.
Accordingly DEVOTED will have four core components:
1 - DEVOTED Energetics
(inner alignment)
2 - DEVOTED Content
(fearless self-expression)
3 - DEVOTED Selling
(magnetic receiving)
4- DEVOTED Rhythms
(day-to-day service)
We’ll tackle each of these together in a cohort model, so you can be inspired by what others are doing, make some new friends and support one another too.
(inner alignment)
Are you ready to dive into the subconscious (foundational) aspects of your being that will guide and impact all your tangible business work?
You’ll start by realigning all the core beliefs and resolving limiting mindsets (and behaviors) that tend to plague priestesses in business, making it possible later to write content, create videos, speak live and do other message transmission that feels easeful and magnetic.
With these realignments, you’ll find that a lot of the inner obstacles and hesitation to doing the physical work fall away. I'll also teach you how to set up your work for more spaciousness and ease, which actually invites more money!
Take a look at what we’ll do together:
- Reprogram limiting beliefs
- Meet your inner business hero
- Upgrade your sense of self-worth
- Align to a feminine business cycle
- Create rhythms of service and rest
- Set clear business vision and goals
(fearless expression)
Are you ready to clarify your core message, ideal audience, and the types of content you’ll use to reach them?*
This is practical work in which I give you videos, questions and step-by-step templates (with examples!) to create your marketing and sales materials, plus set up systems to save you time. (We do this before we develop your offer because you need to break the barrier of showing / speaking up first!!)
With these tools, you’ll be able to market any kind of product, service or program going forward. (NOTE: If you have published assets, pages and content … you and I will determine if the need is optimization or if we have to start from scratch.)
Take a look at what we’ll do together:
- Nail your magnetic message
- Identify your target audience
- Create your ideal content mix
- Craft resonant videos and posts
- Grow engagement on and offline
- Create an online home for your offers
(magnetic receiving)
Are you ready to put a real offer out into the world and witness the beautiful financial results?
The rubber meets the road! Your work on message, audience and content takes tangible form into a purchasable offer, a launch timeline, pre-prepared launch content and yes — a live launch.
For those who opt to do sales calls, I will include scripts for doing them in a way that leads to a mutual “yes.” For everyone, if you launch during the program or immediately after—I will be available to support and course-correct.
Take a look at what we’ll do together:
- Write your signature offer
- Plan your launch schedule
- Organize launch self-care
- Initiate your first launch
- Manage successful sales calls*
- Creating a post-launch sales funnel
*NOTE: You might not opt to do sales calls, but either way you’ll have the content and strategy.
(day-to-day service)
Are you ready to feel confident with every day of delivering your sacred work to those who have gathered?
Once the launch ends, the service is just beginning, It’s common to say “now what?” after the flurry ends. This section is all about your transition into “regularly launching as a lifestyle,” gracefully handling the delivery of multiple offers, and creating a day-to-day rituals of your work that feel nourishing to you and create desired results.
I will also walk you through some basic marketing systems you can set up on your own, later, to keep people funneling through and purchasing your offer as an evergreen product after it’s finished.
Take a look at what we’ll do together:
- Plan your cycle of offers
- Create an online platform
- Schedule your daily and monthly work
- Navigate client requests & feedback
- Develop an evergreen marketing cycle
- Vision-craft your next 1, 3, 5 years
"You are incredibly inspiring to me because ... I understand more and more that I want to devote to service and walking my own path. I admire your strength and devotion, and the stability and faith you have in your own truth and practice."
~ Madli W., Estonia
"You have definitely given me more than I paid you for. I am so very grateful for you and your services which flow directly from God. I also have my hands in so much right now and have women reaching out to me which I am grateful for."
~ Lori B., Florida
Bonus ...
For clients who opt for the full-pay payment plan, I will include one 75-minute coaching session as a bonus. This is time you can use for additional tangible support on your offers or launch, or for going deep on the energetics of business or limiting beliefs, stories and mindsets you are transforming.
That time with me is yours to use as you wish!
Is DEVOTED the right fit?
Now is the right time for this work, if you are ...
- Called and committed to priestess leadership and service, even if you don't fully know what it means yet.
- Truly convinced your message matters and you are ready to share it wholeheartedly.
- A mature person who has successfully confronted and shifted limiting beliefs and behaviors in the past.
- Can hold yourself through emotions, fears or resistance that might come up with "putting yourself out there."
- Are really ready to be in a “love relationship” with money and sales … no more fear and avoidance.
- Are committed to speaking freely and sharing your truth, even when it feels triggering (because it inevitably will).
- Know that how you show up for yourself in this work will be reflected in who shows up to your work.
What's Included?
By joining DEVOTED, you will gain access to the following:
- 4 comprehensive online modules with step-by-step content flowing you through the steps of an offer launch, including:
- Digestible video trainings
- Content / systems templates
- Tools, resources and software recommendations
- Real samples from my (many many) launches
- Structured weekly to-do’s to advance the process
- Somatic sound and embodiment tools to enhance
- 8 live Zoom calls to the discuss current steps, get coaching, review content, bounce ideas, handle sales scenarios, etc. (Questions or content can be submitted in advance; there will be a replay.)
- 4 individual check-in email threads where I reach out to you to check-in on progress. We can discuss / troubleshoot what’s coming up.
- 4 individual content reviews where I evaluate your offer, posts, emails (if applicable), videos and other content, sharing feedback via Google Docs to help you optimize it.
- 1 final celebration event where you can share your launch with the group, show off content, trade offers, and also celebrate your wins.
- Ongoing access to me via portal comments to ask questions and get clarification as you go.
- Lifetime access to the curriculum and materials in the portal.
"I am going through many mixed emotions right now. You have been the light I needed, when I did know what I really needed. I know God had a hand in bringing us the connection ... there are still so many things I can learn from you. Thank you for the courage, and for showing me that I could go forth and flourish in this work, my soul purpose. You will forever be a part of my journey."
~ Jamie Lee B., California
"I'm super duper excited! This was the BEST coaching call I have ever had. You do what you do so well and so swell! I will work on this in the morning. I love what came up on our first call.”
~ Sarah R., Massachusetts
I don’t want to run big launches. Can this program still help me?
Big or small, every launch contains the same basic elements. Even if you post a new product without a launch, this will help you to jumpstart sales.
I already have a website, sales offers and other business assets.
Can we work with what I have (instead of creating all new)?
The short answer is, yes. My priority will be your sales offers, sales pages and public (usually social media) content because that’s where the money is. But if you have a website and sales funnel (such as a lead magnet or free gift) we can look at that too. If what you have isn’t selling as much as you like, it’s important that we do “root cause analysis” and identify core reasons these assets aren’t naturally magnetic. This might involve significant editing work on your part that (in some cases) might feel like "starting from scratch with what you already have.” This can be such a rewarding process when you finally NAIL IT! If you are willing to do that, I am down for it too!
I really love your sound healing work. Will this be included?
Absolutely. Sound healing is an important part of the spiritual “subconscious” work that realigns us as we do the conscious (more logical) work of the writing and launching. Somatic sound work, chanting and more will be woven in throughout the modules.
I hate being seen on camera or speaking. Do I have to do that part?
One of the biggest reasons we are called into business, usually, is to heal our own fears around our worth, value, expression and presence. There are all kinds of creative ways to be seen ... you don’t have to do it like every TikTok influencer. But I promise: owning your voice and presence in a way that’s uniquely you will transform your confidence and upgrade every aspect of your life.
I don’t want people to perceive me as money-driven … is that an issue?
Money is genuinely not a motivator for many priestesses. And that’s okay—if you are in your alignment and worth money will still be a natural result. (We will explore your personal values so you can get clear on what motivates you to show up every day.) It might turn out that money IS a motivator for you which you have been suppressing … but even if not, being able to gracefully receive expanding amounts of it is a sign of maturity. Either way, what other people think of that is none of your business, nor should you alter your approach in any way to make them “feel better” about what you do. The less you focus on others’ perceptions, the more magnetic you’ll be.
I don’t have a website, sales pages or a course portal. Is that okay?
Absolutely. In fact, it's better you learn to launch with a Google Document than waste time / money with a fancy website … especially if you are new and don't know yet exactly what your zone of genius will be. Your first audience and launch will help you discover that information. You can invest in a website later if you wish.
Can I hire you as a copywriter (since you used to be one)?
Mmmm, sorry no. The most powerful thing you will EVER do is learn how to write your own persuasive text that brings money in the door. Mastering your own powerful voice in this way means you can always create income streams. Later, once you have mastered your voice, signature phrasing and more, you can hire someone to extend your style if you wish. But you must learn yourself first before you can guide any other writer.
Will we be using AI tools like ChatGPT to speed up content creation?
Ditto above. No, we will not. You can teach ChatGPT to sound like you later, if you wish. I personally have not found a way to get around the old-fashioned art of channeling my content from the ancestors, Goddess etc. My body is still the portal. That being said, there are ways to get multiple posts out of one small content piece, and use tools like transcription software to radically cut time off your content process. I WILL indeed teach you that kind of wizardry. :)
What if I want to study temple business practices for later, but know I won’t run a launch right away? Can I still participate?
Absolutely. You can walk through the whole process now and know what you’re getting into, for when you start later.
Can I take this program in a 1:1 format where you teach me everything and walk through the process with me, instead of the group version?
Yes, I totally can. However the price will be 3 to 4x as high. (This would be a ‘normal’ price point for a business coach; for my client base, it’s not accessible, for the most part.) However, if you have the means and preference to go this route, you certainly can message me to discuss.
There are two slots in DEVOTED for a partial scholarship of 40% off, with 40 hours donated as an executive assistant.
These simple tasks require a stable internet connection with upload capacity and regular availability. (If you can use a computer, post a video to a portal / YouTube, or organize a carousel post on Instagram, you’re good.)
If you are interested, email me at [email protected] to share your vision, financial situation, and availability schedule for support.
Please apply only if circumstances truly dictate. Not having the money and not wanting to spend it are two different things. (And that goes back to mindset.)
If you have in-depth queries about this program, you can schedule a brief call with me to discuss and get answers you need to make a decision.
I won’t try to sell you; this also is not a coaching call. I will answer your questions and provide any other information you need to make your decision.