Your body has two portals that activate feminine leadership. For many of us, religious wounding shut them down.

It’s time to OPEN YOUR VOICE & VULVA, so you can walk as the powerful, wise, courageous, receptive, ancient-future feminine leader you were always meant to be.

If you ready to reconnect with your spiritual sovereignty, lead with confidence, and enjoy all the flowing creative expression that is your birthright – join me in TENT KEEPERS.

This devotional leadership activation is designed for women who have felt spiritually exiled from their monotheistic religious heritage as they seek to reclaim the Eternal Feminine.

We will blend goddess history, embodiment work, creative expression and sound healing
in the
Mesopotamian-Israelite tradition.

The first priestesses of the Hebrew Bible show us the way to open our portals and stand in our gifts. These nomadic Mesopotamian women ministered from ritual tents amid sacred groves.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You were raised in a traditional monotheistic religion (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, etc.) centered on ancient texts and/or ritual.

  • You identify as a spiritual nomad who's been "in exile" from religion, on a quest to heal your past and find your own spiritual path.

  • You struggle to express your opinion, clearly ask for what you want, or speak your truth if the outcome is uncertain.

  • You have dealt with clinical sexual dysfunction or with emotional wounding in sexual relationships, especially with men.

  • Identify as a priestess, a priestess-in-training, or someone who is often drawn to devotional leadership roles.

Tent Keepers is for you …

If you are ready to move past all the old patterns anger, wandering or hiding ... and embody the powerful, fertile and creative leader within.

“For years, I’ve had pain in my sacral chamber, but after listening to you play the frame drum and guide me to chant in Aramaic, the pain shifted. It’s been gone ever since! This practice has helped me to release something emotional that was holding me back.”

~ Emory B., Colorado

“I haven’t found many voices bringing your scholarly insight and background to the table. There have been so many shifts unfolding and so much life proceeding! It’s been such a joy to let go of old frameworks through this reading and energy work.I feel equipped to move forward into leadership.”

~ Elizabeth S., Indiana USA

The truth is … 

The text of the Hebrew Bible (and the older priestess lineage it bears witness to) hold KEYS for healing the feminine voice and sexuality – so we can unlock our full potential as leaders and wisdom keepers.

If this heritage is yours, running away from it or resisting it will never bring full freedom.

But the problem is …  

You received this wisdom inside religious teachings that disguised the presence of Goddess ... and in traditions that deliberately limited your two most potent creative portals: voice and vulva. 

On the one hand, you have already done tremendous work to move past religious trauma and begin owning terms like “goddess” or “feminine spirituality.” On the other hand, you sense that your birth tradition isn’t meant to be discarded entirely, but rather meant to be transcended.

After wandering far and wide in search of spiritual healing, you recognize that it's time to look now in the most unlikely place:

your birth tradition.

Now imagine yourself ...

  • Singing, dancing, praying and moving with your biblical priestess mothers from the earliest times.

  • Pointing to specific passages of the scriptures you grew up with and knowing their hidden goddess wisdom.

  • Feeling deeply connected to your sensuality, and letting your reproductive cycle to guide your expression.

  • Telling your personal priestess story fearlessly through poetry, written narrative, painting or some other medium.

  • Composing drum beats and chants in Hebrew or Aramaic that unlock healing in your body and soul.

  • Waking up every day excited to begin in your own devotional prayers and practices to the Great Mother.

  • Responding to your own sexual desires, and (if applicable) those of your partner with greater ease.

  • Confidently and publicly leading in sacred spaces, teaching on goddess topics and midwifing other souls in their feminine consciousness ... without feeling any sense of judgment, guilt or dissonance.

Shlama, I'm Lisa Moriah.

Growing up in a strict Baptist household, I was taught the Hebrew Bible from back to front, and the Christian testament as well. I also knew instinctively that in my community's tradition, women were not embraced at all as spiritual leaders.

Women could be background or supporting figures, but not leaders, and not priestesses. And most definitely not as devotional guides in service to Goddess.

Fast forward to my wedding night, when as a 25-year-old virgin, I discovered that intercourse was not only painful, it was impossible. I was forced to see a sex therapist, who wanted me to talk about myself.

I wasn't ready to voice anything ... and she didn't understand how my religious background was impacting me. As you can imagine, that didn't go well.

It took an inevitable divorce, seven years later, for me to sort out what had really happened. That's when I began to notice that my voice was as shut down as my vagina, and that my religious training had something to do with it.

When I began to seek healing on my terms, the path of the biblical priestesses began to reveal itself to me. Over seven years, I have explored so many facets of this path and found it to be my home. I am continually amazed at how our earliest foremothers hold the key to opening both of our portals!

Ready to feel excited that you’re speaking up, and creating the courageous work you’re called to, so you can lead the people who look to you?

Here's What We'll Do Together

This self-paced 7-module container, is too rich to be digested all at once. You'll have lifetime access to all the content, to engage with it at your own pace, in your own timing and way.

Module 1:
Goddess in the Bible

Ready to discover why modern priestesses of the Mesopotamian or Israelite lineage are often born into strict spiritual backgrounds?

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Learn the “soul journey” that feminine leaders from this lineage often take—including common woundings and gifts.

  • Walk step-by-step through setting up an altar for the “older tradition” in the Bible.

  • Gain a “bird’s eye view” of the ancient feminine traditions that shaped our priestess mothers.

  • Walk through all the resources that are available in the course portal.

  • Learn foundational chants and vibrational practices in both Hebrew and Aramaic.

Module 2:
The Wisdom of Sumer

Ready to reactivate your vulva – the powerful opening of your womb system celebrated in early times for its mystical power?

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Discover the key aspects of the Sumerian goddess Inanna that offer deep liberation for our desires and our creativity.

  • Learn how the wisdom of Inanna is present in the Hebrew Bible & related traditions.

  • Meet Sarah, the first Hebrew matriarch and priestess of sacred union.

  • Work with the East Wind (rhythm and dance) as healing tools to awaken womb creativity.

  • Experience a powerful womb work practice that reinterprets the Descent of Inanna for women of our biblical lineage.

Module 3:
The Wisdom of Assyria

Are you ready to activate deeper resonance – the quality of your voice that invites others to hear, respect and acknowledge you?

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Discover the tradition of the Assyrian goddess Ishtar, the voice of the divine throne who teaches us how to speak freely.

  • Learn how the qualities of Ishtar are reflected in the Hebrew Bible & parallel traditions.

  • Meet Rivkah (Rebekah), Hebrew matriarch and priestess with a resonant advocate’s voice.

  • Work with the South Wind (melody and chant) as healing tools to activate your soul song.

  • Enjoy a creative writing workshop guiding you to write and share your heroine's journey confidently with a public audience.

Module 4:
Integration & Practice

We will use this time to rest, try out techniques, write songs, do yoni practice and whatever our hearts call us to.

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Time for you to continue exploring teachings and practices.

  • An intentional period of REST from two weeks of intensive energy downloads!

  • Enjoy practices and recipes to aid your rest and integration during this week.

Module 5:
The Wisdom of Canaan

Ready to reconnect with the power of the vale -- and become an active participant with Sacred Places to anchor your self-expression?

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Discover the key fertility aspects of the Canaanite / Israelite goddess Asherah that offer liberation through the cycle of life.

  • Learn how devotion to Asherah appears in the Hebrew Bible & later parallel traditions.

  • Meet Leah, Hebrew matriarch/priestess who is tied to the land and to its fertility

  • Work with the West Wind (harmony and collaboration) as tools to awaken action.

  • Learn how to work with your reproductive cycle to plan your creativity and leadership.

Module 6:
The Wisdom of Exile

Ready to discover the power of the veil (mystery and hiddenness) to help you safely manage your visibility as a feminine leader?

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Discover the key aspects of the Jewish goddess Shekhinah that offer deep wisdom for our skill of empathic leadership.

  • Learn how the qualities of Shekhinah appear in the Hebrew Bible & parallel traditions.

  • Meet Rachel, Hebrew matriarch who teaches us about mourning & motherhood.

  • Work with the North Wind (silence and breathwork) as a healing tool for leadership.

  • Enjoy a workshop on feminine embodiment and presence in powerful leadership.

Module 7:
Integration, Practice & Closing

Are you ready to feel excited and confident, share your new songs, poems, paintings, dances and more with an appreciative audience?

Take a look at what we’ll experience together:

  • Offer reflections on the experience and articulate your intentions for next steps.

  • Enjoy a final ceremony to seal our intentions.

  • Share your story with the group, and receive positive sisterly feedback and appreciation.*

  • Showcase your art, embodiment practice, dance or other devotional expression.

“Lisa takes chanting to a deeper and more etheric level than what I have experienced before. I've chanted in other languages, but did not understand the meaning or the intention behind the words, so the practice was eventually meaningless. I feel growth and more understanding about this ancient method of connecting with God."

~ Melonie C., Colorado

The full Tent Keepers experience includes:

6 Teaching Videos

(90 min to 2 hrs each)

with rich slide presentations for each goddess tradition, Hebrew matriarch, and weekly chant practice, plus live Q&A time

6 Ritual Gatherings

(90 min to 2 hrs each)

with Four Winds healing practice,
musical and creative practice
and embodiment practices

Beautiful Course Portal

(on the Teachable platform)

with ancient text readings, Four Winds healing teachings / practices, embodiments, ritual recommendations, and creative prompts for every week (yours to keep).

Additional Practices

(for body, energy & heart)

for you to explore on topics like writing your story, creating goddess ritual, deepening your personal leadership embodiment and aligning your creative cycle to your moon cycle.*

Private Discussion Group

(on Telegram)

where you can share your experiences, ask questions, share your devotional expression, get insight from other participants, pass on resources, and stay in touch afterward.

Unlimited Access

(to the Teachable portal)

where you can reach me throughout the course via email, in the portal, in the private group, and at the Q&A sessions, to ask all your questions and share what's happening.

Tent Keepers is for you if:

  • You are a mature individual who has done basic healing work with both voice and yoni, and wants to go deeper.

  • You want to find peace with the religious tradition of your birth, so you can fully move forward.

  • You are a spiritual leader (or leader-to-be) who is committed to sharing your authentic voice and creativity.

  • You want to hold more space, speak with more resonance, confidently negotiate topics like sales in your business, and participate more easefully in birthing your creative ideas.

  • You have always sensed that there is “another side” to the stories of the earliest biblical women that would help you unlock more power and authority in your body.

“Your work is wonderful. I am grateful for your teachings, voice and insight on so many levels. LOTS of things that happen to me when we chant. For one,I feel as though when you are singing and chanting—as if I have heard these songs before. (Wow I am actually starting to get chills and wanting to tear up!).”

~ Renee G., New York USA

"I am going through many mixed emotions right now. You have been the light I needed, when I did know what I really needed. I know GOD had a hand in bringing us the connection ... there are still so many things I can learn from you."

~ Janelle V., Texas, United States

Investment & Details

Tent Keepers is now a self-paced experience that is designed to be accessible to a variety of budgets and schedules.