For more than two thousand years, the Abrahamic faiths have known God in masculine terms. But is it possible our mutual spiritual ancestors worshipped a powerful Goddess?

As a priestess and shamanic practitioner, I offer my work in devotion to ELOAH SHADDAI, feminine divinity of patriarchs and prophets

The School of Divine Radiance is dedicated to reviving this mostly-forgotten fertility wisdom and Eloah Shaddai's primordial powers of Breast and Womb.

Shlama שלמא سلام!

Download Your Free Guide

Have you wrestled with a yearning for the Divine Feminine, which was missing in your birth religion? The beautiful news is, goddess has been with us all along in the Abrahamic faiths.

In this potent eBook, you will meet the Mesopotamian goddess who's been "hiding in plain sight" in religious texts. What's more, you will learn how to tap Her potent energy for healing and connect with Her through powerful shamanic practices.

Join me live or online for:

Religious Herstory

Courses and workshops featuring comparative theology between Sumer and Akkad, and later Abrahamic religious record -- re-reading the matriarchs as priestesses and the patriarchs as Goddess worshippers, in historical context.

Drum & Voice Healing

Private sessions, workshops and events featuring human voice and the ancient frame drum. These simple, powerful vibrations bring the human body vessel "into rhythm" with its own life purpose and activate greater creativity and fertility.

Inner Alchemy

Private coaching, workshops and events guiding women to embody the Goddess within and come into union with King energy (men, money, mission and the Divine Masculine) so they can experience a natural flow of wealth, health and love.

Her land speaks ...

Working with Shaddai has drawn me deep into spiritual archaeology and into a living relationship with ancient soil.

I practice amid the 5000-year-old ruins of Harran, in southeast Türkiye, which is Eloah Shaddai's home territory and the former home of Abraham and Sarah.

Here, every stone has a story and the ground yields secrets to those who listen. Harran holds potent energetic medicine for fertility, sexual healing, wealth, sacred love and belovedness ... and the growth of our capacity to be, like Goddess, generous holders of paradox in an increasingly polarized world.

This is the ancient practice of shuv l'makom (שוב למקום) or "returning to the place."

מאל אביך ויעזרך ואת שדי יברכך ברכת שמים מעל ברכת תהום רבצת תחת ברכת שדים ורחם׃

The God of your father’s [house], who helps you
And Shaddai who blesses you
With blessings of heaven above
Blessings of the deep that couches below
Blessings of the breast and womb

Genesis 49:25

Wondering where to start?

If you are new to biblical Goddess study, Abrahamic shamanism or ancient Mesopotamian perspectives on feminine power ... the simplest place to start is with my 2023 book, SHADDAI: Goddess of the Abrahamic Covenant.

This systematic study examines every mention of Shaddai in the Hebrew Bible (known to Christians as the Old Testament). It also answers questions like, "When did Goddess disappear from biblical tradition?" And "How can we begin to reclaim Goddess and shamanic practice in spirituality today?"